
These represent my experience and samples showing my capability for technical writing and presentation. Along with general presentation skills developed as a proposal manager, conference speaking has expanded my ability. In particular, I am interested in technical writing to serve government, industry, and the general population.

  • "Waste to Energy - Markets and Benefits", A&WMA Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2017.
  • “Challenges to Mercury Emissions Compliance at Coal-Fired Plants”, published in Power Engineering, August, 2013. (READ ONLINE)
  • "Mercury Control & Its Interrelation to Power Plant Operation & Other Pollution Control Technologies”, Energy, Utility, & Environment Conference, 2013.
  • “Challenges to Implementation of New Mercury Regulations on New and Existing Coal Fired Power Plants”, Coal-Gen, 2012.
  • “Design, Installation, and Testing of Aqueous Urea Based SNCR Performance in Conectiv’s Indian River Units 3 and 4”, Conference on SCR and SNCR for NO x Control, 2001. Co-author
  • “Air Pollution Control for Waste-to- Energy Projects―What Do We Do Now?”, NAWTEC V, 1997.
  • “ESP Upgrade Strategies―Get the Most From What You Have”, American Power Conference, 1997.
  • “Precipitator Replacements and Rebuilds―Where Does the Money Go?”, EPRI/DOE International Conference on Managing Hazardous and Particulate Air Pollutants, 1995